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  1. Advocate for the amendment of the Code to extend protection against discrimination on the basis of age to workers over the age of 65.  In other words, the amended Code would still permit employers to impose mandatory retirement at age 65 but, where employers chose not to implement mandatory retirement, workers over the age of 65 would be able to complain of discrimination on the basis of age.
  2. Develop a public policy statement on age, supported by community consultation, recognizing independence, participation, care, self-fulfillment and dignity as guiding principles.
  3. Develop a public policy statement on ‘eldercare’, supported by community consultation, as it relates to grounds in the Code.  Encourage the Ministry of Labour to include provisions related to ‘eldercare’ in any revisions to employment standards legislation.
  4. Consider the implications of s. 14 of the Code and the Law decision for schemes that give benefits to persons before they reach the age of 65.
  5. Examine the recommendations of the National Advisory Council on Aging and other organizations with respect to barrier-free design in order to incorporate the recommendations in policy work in the area of housing.
  6. Incorporate the principles in this paper into the Commission's report on mass transit accessibility in Ontario.
  7. Recognize the intersectional implications of age in combination with other grounds involving structural or social disadvantage, notably disability and sex, and integrate these principles into future policy work.
  8. Develop analytic tools for Commission staff to assist in distinguishing legitimate downsizing or performance issues from age discrimination.
  9. Monitor the proceedings and recommendations of the Elder Abuse Round Table.

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