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Letter to Attorney General Downey

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July 11, 2019

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Hon. Doug Downey
Attorney General
McMurtry-Scott Building, 11th Floor
720 Bay St
Toronto, ON M7A 2S9


Dear Attorney General Downey:

I hope this finds you well. On behalf of the Ontario Human Rights Commission (OHRC), I am writing to congratulate you on your appointment as Attorney General of Ontario. For nearly 60 years, the OHRC has enjoyed a strong working relationship with the government and we look forward to continuing this relationship with you.

In our experience, regular engagement and updates as contemplated in our Memorandum of Understanding allow for early identification of human rights issues and trends, confidential advice to government, and discussion of forthcoming OHRC initiatives that may impact the government.  

I would encourage you to read the OHRC’s 2018-2019 annual report, Foundation of Freedom. In my Chief’s Message, like you, I draw inspiration from former premier Leslie Frost. Premier Frost created the OHRC—the first human rights institution in the world—to formally recognize the moral, social and economic consequences of discrimination. Indeed, Premier Frost’s vision and sense of public duty inspires the work we do every day at the OHRC.

I look forward to working with you in the coming year and would welcome the opportunity to meet with you—either in Toronto or at your constituency office. My office will be in touch to schedule a meeting.



Renu Mandhane, B.A., J.D., LL.M.

Chief Commissioner


cc:       Paul Boniferro, Deputy Attorney General
           OHRC Commissioners