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OHRC granted party status in Lynwood Charlton Centre OMB appeal

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November 5, 2012

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In a decision on October 31, the Ontario Municipal Board (OMB) granted the Ontario Human Rights Commission (OHRC) party status in the Lynwood Charlton Centre’s appeal of a decision by the City of Hamilton. The OHRC requested party status because of its concerns about human rights issues when the City turned down Lynwood Charlton’s request to move its housing for eight teenage girls with mental health issues.

The Board found that “the Commission is a proper party to the hearing.” It suggested the OHRC would bring its “special expertise in housing and human rights to assist the Board by providing evidence at the hearing.”

“This is a role we have played in the past, and will continue to play in future,” said OHRC Chief Commissioner Barbara Hall. “Our goal is to remove systemic barriers, like minimum separation distances, and any other zoning practices that may lead to housing discrimination.”

The seven-day hearing will begin on Monday, March 25, 2013, at 10:30 a.m. at:

McMaster Learning Centre
OMB Hearing Room #6
50 Main Street East, Hamilton



For more information:

Afroze Edwards
Senior Communications Officer
Ontario Human Rights Commission