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Résultats de la recherche

  1. Purpose of OHRC Policies

    From: Annual Report 2011-2012 - Human rights: the next generation

    Section 30 of the Ontario Human Rights Code (Code) authorizes the Ontario Human Rights Commission (OHRC) to prepare, approve and publish human rights policies to provide guidance on interpreting provisions of the Code.[∗] The OHRC’s policies and guidelines set standards for how individuals, employers, service providers and policy-makers should act to ensure compliance with the Code.

  2. Purpose of OHRC Policies

    From: Policy and guidelines on racism and racial discrimination

    Section 30 of the Ontario Human Rights Code (Code) authorizes the Ontario Human Rights Commission (OHRC) to prepare, approve and publish human rights policies to provide guidance on interpreting provisions of the Code.[∗] The OHRC’s policies and guidelines set standards for how individuals, employers, service providers and policy-makers should act to ensure compliance with the Code. They

  3. Purpose of OHRC Policies

    From: Policy on height and weight requirements

    Section 30 of the Ontario Human Rights Code (Code) authorizes the Ontario Human Rights Commission (OHRC) to prepare, approve and publish human rights policies to provide guidance on interpreting provisions of the Code.[∗] The OHRC’s policies and guidelines set standards for how individuals, employers, service providers and policy-makers should act to ensure compliance with the Code.

  4. Purpose of OHRC Policies

    From: Policy on creed and the accommodation of religious observances

    Section 30 of the Ontario Human Rights Code (Code) authorizes the Ontario Human Rights Commission (OHRC) to prepare, approve and publish human rights policies to provide guidance on interpreting provisions of the Code.[∗] The OHRC’s policies and guidelines set standards for how individuals, employers, service providers and policy-makers should act to ensure compliance with the Code.

  5. 3. Framework for action

    From: Right at home: Summary report on the consultation on human rights and rental housing in Ontario

    Protecting the human rights of vulnerable Ontarians requires a radically different response to the issues of discrimination identified in the Commission’s consultation report, and the reports of numerous international bodies. We must all bring housing human rights into our homes, apartment buildings, property management offices, government offices, tribunals and commissions, and most importantly, into our collective awareness. This framework suggests concrete action to address the human rights issues identified in the consultation and in numerous reports on housing.

  6. Framework for action

    From: Right at home: Report on the consultation on human rights and rental housing in Ontario

    Protecting the human rights of vulnerable Ontarians requires a radically different response to the issues of discrimination identified in this report, and the reports of numerous international bodies. We must all bring housing human rights into our homes, apartment buildings, property management offices, government offices, tribunals and commissions, and most importantly, into our collective awareness. This framework suggests concrete action to address the human rights issues identified in the consultation and in numerous reports on housing.

  7. Définir la discrimination en matière de logement

    From: Dans la zone : Logement, droits de la personne et planification municipale

    Toute personne a droit à un traitement égal en matière d’occupation d’un logement, sans discrimination fondée sur l'un ou l'autre des motifs prévus au Code. Les lois sur l’antidiscrimination ont pour objet d’empêcher qu’il y ait atteinte à la dignité et à la liberté humaines au moyen de l’imposition de désavantages, de stéréotypes ou de préjudices politiques ou sociaux.
